Autumn/Winter - Looking after your Voice

So you’re feeling full of a cold/flu or just generally run down and low on energy as the sunshine departs for several months to come. Worse still, it’s attacked your throat and it feels like razor blades. So what do you do? I often get asked what the best way of looking after your voice at this time of year is, so I’ve collated a few ideas for you to mull over, for before and after the lurgy might make itself known:

  • Put fresh pineapple at the top of your shopping list. It contains an enzyme called bromelain which is a natural anti-inflammatory. It’s great for sore throats for most of us and you don’t need to travel far to buy one!

  • If you do have a sore throat, rest your voice as much as you can.

  • That means avoid whispering too as it’s really tiring for the vocal folds.

  • Save your voice further by using non-verbal whenever you can.

  • Drink plenty of water. (Of course!) Make it a lifestyle choice to always have a bottle of water with you. Never underestimate how dry the voice can get. Try not to drink it too cold – room temperature is more advisable and gentler.

  • For severe problems, gargle with salt or aspirin– boil the water and leave until lukewarm to do this.

  • When you are back on form and with party season at it’s height - when you’re out and about, try not to compete by speaking loudly over noise – think of speaking at a lower tone if you are at a noisy party/pub/gathering and shape your vowels more as you speak, so people can lip read you more if it’s impossible to be heard at normal levels. In these situations, people tend to raise their voices and strain from the larynx – think down to the diaphragm instead and support the sound.

  •  Remember your abdominal support is your powerhouse.

  • Don’t clear your throat – swallow instead, as clearing your throat is really brutal on your vocal folds.

  • Use fricative consonants – like (f), (v), (sh) and (z) to bring the voice forward.

  • I find a herbal tea is soothing for me.

  • If your throat does feel dry or irritated, steam inhalation is a great hydration source – my top tip is to get yourself one of these – a steam inhalation cup – brilliant for everyday use and much better than putting your head over a bowl of steaming water and finishing up with damp hair into the bargain!

  • Aim for 7-8 hours sleep a night.

  • Keep your immune system boosted with a good multivitamin.

  • Always wear a scarf outdoors to keep away the chills and keep the larynx and the chest warm.

  • And lastly, if you know your best mate has a dreadful cold, you planned on meeting up over the weekend and you have the presentation of your life on Monday morning – make your excuses and see them when they are fighting fit!

 Keep well, keep warm and enjoy the festive fun ahead.

Debra xx

